Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Steampunk Anyone? New Release by Pizazz Pixels- "What's Old is Gold"

I have been challenging myself to a new design style--Steampunk in between Soccer practices and games and the Pinewood Derby for Cub Scouts.   With anything, I looked to the definition for a starting reference point.    Here are some basic facts about Steampunk....

Anything modern (latest modern technology, fashion or gadgets powered by or inspired by steam and the 1800s era (Industrialized Western Civilization during 19th Century)  My interpretation is taking something old and bringing new life to it by making it modern. The Punk part of Steampunk (romantic Victoriana, goggles, and brass fixtures)
 As a designer, I like this definition …. “The “punk” in “Steampunk” comes from going against convention that, through creativity and declaration of one’s individuality be it through style, gadgets, or attitude, sets one apart.” (The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences)  (http://www.ministryofpeculiaroccurrences.com/what-is-steampunk/)
It did take quite a bit of time for me to begin and then I slowly becan to develop some items that fell into the Steampunk style.  As a few weeks rolled by, I began to get more comfortable and the ideas started to flow easier and I started to design the elements and papers using ideas and inspiration.  By the time I was finished. I was quite happy with the results if I do say so myself!
So, drum roll please, here is "What's Old is Gold"....

Inspired by “Steam Punk”, Vintage, and Grungy Styles, this kit will bring new life into preserving past, present, and future memories!    It is available for the special price of $2.75 during the Month of May so you can save 21% right now at my store:
My Store at Digi Style Designs